Technology that guarantees product authenticity

Pair your physical products, assets & collectibles with NFTs minted on a private blockchain, Signet tags digital links & secure unclonable NFC tags to enable your products to participate in Web3

Security technology for brand protection
NFC technology for secure product verification
Blockchain technology for trusted product authentication

We’re Better. Here’s Why…

Signet tags with direct NFC connection allows an immediate check of product authenticity and integrity. An instant interaction with the product grants access to its history, characteristics and sustainability certifications. Faster and safer than any solution based on QR code or image recognition.



Advanced Security and Privacy for Trusted IoT Applications



Digital blockchain assets that cannot be duplicated.


Smart Contract

Ensuring transparent and immutable information



Using leading blockchain networks, Polygon and Ethereum



Your physical items available across metaverses.



Secure NFC tags with random changing keys


Unclonable Tags

Read only tags, each linked with blockchain NFTs


Top UX

Easy check for consumers.No special app download required

Behind the Scenes

NTAG 424 DNA NFC tags

Protect your products against counterfeiting while gaining valuable business intelligence with Signet Tags SUN (Secure Unique NFC) Authentication Service. Signet Tags-SUN is a highly available, secure, and scalable SaaS platform designed to verify the authenticity of NTAG 424 DNA NFC tags. This NFC chip is a new revamped cost-effective and clone-resistant chip used for various retail and ticketing applications.

NFC technology banner for secure product authentication
Blockchain security for product authentication

Blockchain Ecosystem

Signet Tags solution allies the best of both worlds as it gathers the incorruptible nature of blockchain and the practical functionality of hardware, connecting the digital & the physical world by creating digital representations of valuable items.

Blockchain, an immutable & transparent database. No central point of trust, enabling peer-to-peer interaction, saving time & money. Thanks to its many benefits, a real ecosystem composed of several different blockchain platforms has bloomed around this technology.

How Signet Tags works

Signet Tags can facilitate transactions simply by tapping an attached or embedded NFC tag with an NFC-enabled smartphone or tablet to securely communicate information. This results in a frictionless authentication experience using a solution that fuels more powerful and dynamic Internet of Things applications. Bring it all together. Hover over or click on each component for details of the solution.

Need Help Getting Started?

Our experts are here to help your organization figure out your first move.